Reimagining the way people connect to travel experts and organise travel


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Organising your dream holiday has never been easier


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The best way to understand it, is to try it. Best of all, it's free.


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Wanderers & Travellers

Want to plan and organise the perfect holiday and have everything all in one place? Want to travel with a group? Have a complex or unique itinerary with so many components? Can’t find a travel agent or just don’t have the time to do this yourself? Tripbuddi - the perfect travel companion.

Travel Experts & Agents

Want to create extraordinary experiences that your customers will love? What about the ability to manage your travel business anywhere? Want to instantly connect and build itineraries with customers in real time? Tripbuddi - the perfect travel platform and collaboration tool.

Wholesalers & Suppliers

Want the flexibility for employees to work from home or anywhere in the world? What about the ability to instantly connect with customers without the expensive call centre software and hardware? Tripbuddi - the perfect employee and customer experience solution.

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Instantly connect to a travel agent and destination expert

...through our video and chat functionality without having to leave the comfort of your home.

Provide instant feedback on what best suits your needs and use the drag-and-drop two-way itinerary builder and collaboration tool to create the perfect travel itinerary, in real time, together! Saving you lots of time and energy.

Then, access, view, download, print and share, the trip details with your group, family or friends. Best part is, you can reminisce about your trip as we capture, store and journal all your travel experiences. Simply choose the view you like - photo, cards, map, calendar…you get the drift!

Tripbuddi, collaboration at its finest, customer service at its best - travel made easy!

Engage. Experience. Enjoy.

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Use the grab and go tool to snap, capture, find, copy and paste travel inspiration to create a vision board of all the places you want to travel, go, see and do.

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Plan and organise your perfect trip with your group where you can all collaborate on the perfect itinerary. Choosing the view, that suits, budget, itinerary or calendar view.

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Using the video and real time chat functionality, instantly connect and communicate with a travel expert to organise and book your trip - you can even add friends or family on the call. Customer service at its best.

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Through the two-way itinerary builder and collaboration tool, drag and drop items to create the perfect travel itinerary providing feedback, in real time minimising confusion and mistakes. Collaboration at its finest.

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It's time to experience and enjoy but in case you get lost or need anything easily access and find your bookings, flights, activities, accommodation, tours and attractions and instantly connect with your travel expert for help. You just need wifi.

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Store, upload, share and look back on those trips and memories from holiday snaps, photos and videos to your travel documents and itineraries. You can reminisce about your trip as we capture, store and journal all your travel experiences all in one place.

Best way to understand it is to try it. Don’t worry, it’s free.